Monday, April 11, 2011

The $7 Revolution

By Phil Guye

This month a quiet revolution has taken place in the world of Internet Marketing. One small e-book changed the face of information publishing making it easier for all of us to make money online.

And we have to thank Jonatha Leger for that. Earlier this month he launched an e-book The $7 Secret and it instantly became a hit. If you have not read it yet you can get a copy from

So what is this all about?

Quite simply you produce a $7 dollar e-book. As the name suggest, it's an e-book you sell for $7 and is normally about thirty pages long. It could be difficult to squeeze The History of the World in just 30 pages. But it is just a really easy task for most subjects covered by information products. In fact most subjects are better covered in 30 pages or less than these 200-300 page info products that are full of fluff and which we never get round to finishing anyway. When was the last time you completely read a 200 page information product?

So it's true that important facts of any subject maybe covered in 30 pages.

So why $7?

Because it is a fair price that is easily afforded by most people. At the same time, it is a very popular price. Recently, I offered few products at $7 and got an outstanding response. It is true it can be more profitable selling a lot for a little than little for a lot.

But then the $7 e-book entails a real bonus

If you get the $7 e-book you don't only a packed of information but a product that when you sell you can keep 100% of the money. And it is simplicity itself. There are no web pages to post, no download pages to make you simply add your Paypal e-mail address to the link provided and you can begin promoting the e-book.

So why would the author let you keep all the money?

Because in the e-book the author has included links either to other products, his web site or an affiliate program. He makes his or her money from the back end so you both win.

The $7 Secret shows you how to create your own $7 books but Jonathan went even further than that. He invited readers who had followed his advice to submit their books to him and he would put them online for everyone's benefit.

So there is now a site that has over 280 $7 e-books on a wide variety of subjects both inside and outside of the Internet marketing niche. Full of information that you could find useful plus of course a product you can then sell either through your list or eBay and keep the money. Just one sale and you've gotten back your investment already

To see the 280 e-books mostly at $7 each including resale rights visit

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